The Wounded Earth, an art show curated by Jitha Karthikeyan, is a visual presentation of our beautiful landscapes that could soon vanish forever, if we do not act now.
The opening of the art exhibition was well attended by the who’s who of Bengaluru and prominent members in the art circle.
Speaking on the occasion, Kamakshi Mantri, chief strategy officer of Mantri Developers Pvt Ltd, said “The Wounded Earth captures climate change and those human activities that results in an assault on our earth, especially in the 20th and 21st centuries."
Speaking about the art show, Jitha Karthikeyan, artist and curator, said “The Earth is bleeding. Red and salty. We have our quick fixes and policies in place, we proclaim. Nothing is urgent. We sleep peacefully in the belief that our climate change summits will find a way. Not knowing that we all rest our bodies on this wounded earth.”
On till September 29.
From 10 am to 10 pm.
At Mantri Square Mall, Malleshwaram, Bengaluru.