Cinema lovers can head over to check out the ongoing exhibition The World’s Greatest Mela – Respecting India’s Cinematic Heritage. Curated and presented by Neville Tuli, founder-president of The Tuli Research Centre for India Studies, the show encapsulates three decades of Tuli’s research, archiving, preserving and transformation of over 400,000 objects of the Indian and Asian fine arts and world cinema to form a base for studies. This research base will be freely available globally from September onwards.
Tuli mentions, “However comprehensive an exhibition, it can only capture a minor fraction of its subject, in this case, the vast world of Indian Cinema. So, the main objective is to capture the essence, its unique cinematic energy, its historical context, and most importantly here-the high aesthetic and intellectual standard of the art objects which make a film and its impact. Hopefully the exhibition will inspire the public and academia to re-examine and reassess the educational possibilities of the subject matter, while delivering a deep dose of joy…”
Through this exhibition one can see how cinema becomes a pivot of inter-disciplinary arts and combines culture, intellect, emotions within the purview of cinema. This art form has the power to capture minds, bring attention to itself and make connections with its unique ability of uniting entertainment, art and education.
What: The World’s Greatest Mela – Respecting India’s Cinematic Heritage
Where: Visual Arts Gallery and Open Palm Court, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.
When: Till August 25, 2024
Timing: 10:30 am – 7 pm