Known for his clean comedy, actor-comedian Mayank Parakh is all set to leave the audience roaring with laughter with some new observations and anecdotes. Having acted in over 10 movies, Mayank also shares some on-set, behind-the-scenes anecdotes in his upcoming show. He is going to end his performance with a musical parody about ‘rich kids versus job going-kids,’ which he is particularly proud of. When asked about what is the inspiration for most of his jokes, he says that most jokes are inspired by his experiences and the people around him. “I come from a Marwadi joint family where at the end of the day, everyone sits together and talks about their day or reminisces old memories. This is exactly where I get most of my content from,” Mayank shares jokingly.
He jots down pointers whenever he gets an idea or comes across something seemingly funny. These anecdotes are then tested in the form of jokes in an open mic or among friends. Mayank audio records all his test performances to see where he gets the most laughs. The artiste also jams with fellow comedians like Rajasekhar Mamidanna and Rohit Swain, both good friends of his. When asked about how his inclination towards standup evolved, Mayank says that since childhood he would make people laugh by mimicking his family and relatives. His performances are a reflection of the chaos he saw in a joint family.
This show, Mayank says, is relatable for people of all ages. He promises a good evening with lots of anecdotes and his unique act-outs. “My primary aim is to make the audience laugh and deliver the escape they have come looking for. My sets don’t have a particular social or political message, it is pure entertainment,” he adds.
Mayank started his stand-up journey when one of his theatre plays required a small role of a stand-up comic. “I auditioned for the role, the director really liked me, and that’s how my stand-up journey began,” he says. We ask him about the marked difference between acting and standup and he says that in acting, you have to become a particular character and think like him. “Conversely, in standup, you have to look at a character or an incident from the perspective of a third person to be able to make jokes about him.”
In stand-up, he adds, “The performer experiences the natural emotional arc in real-time, but in movies, you don’t shoot scenes in order, you may shoot the climax scene first and the setting scenes later. This doesn’t allow the artiste to experience the natural emotional arc. ”
On an ending note, the message Mayank gives to all budding artistes is, “Write whatever makes the audience laugh,” and to the audience he says, “just come, laugh and enjoy the show!”
Tickets at INR 299 onwards.
August 17, 6 pm.
At Tease at Vivanta, Begumpet.
Story by Ananya Mehta