Mumbai-based quartet, The Western Ghats, recently released their debut track Humne Bhi, and it has managed to strike a chord with their fans who had previously only listened to their covers before. The band comprising Kaleb Shaji (guitar), Steve Kurian (drums), Sunil George (keyboard) and Aryaendra Shekhar (vocals) started working on the song in January after they came together a few months before and were mainly doing covers.
The song, Aryaendra says, attempts to capture the journey of an individual through different facets of life. Sunil soon got on board, added his signature neo synth and kick beat in the background which defined the overall sound and was enhanced by the guitar bits by guitar parts blended well by Kaleb. The listeners are deemed to frow fond of the repeating arpeggios and reversed guitar swells in the song that becomes intensely dynamic towards the end. “Humne Bhi brings tries to capture a journey of an individual, creating their path to achieving their desired goals and much more. Is in major contrast with the undertone of the first verse of the song. This line talks about the grit involved in finding your way,” says the lead vocalist.
The song was recorded in Sunil’s home studio in Mumbai, almost entirely, with scratch vocals and guitars being recorded by Aryaendra on his computer.
Talking about how the band was formed, Aryaendra says that it was Sunil who first got in touch with him to form the band. Soon enough the band’s lead guitarist, Kaleb Shaji joined in and the band started working together and Steve signed up as well. At the moment, they are working on their first album which is set to have around eight songs, cutting across genre lines. The next track will be an RnB Neo Soul track called Din and is already in works.
You can tune in to Humne Bhi on all major platforms including, Spotify, Apple Music and Gaana.