Renowned countertenor Anthony Roth Costanzo has taken on a unique challenge by singing seven different roles in a reimagined production of Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro at Little Island in New York City. Costanzo’s performance, which includes singing the Countess’s Dove sono aria while a laryngoscope is inserted down his throat, offers a truly immersive experience for the audience.
“After the first part of the opera in which I’ve torn my voice to shreds essentially going through all of these hijinks and she has been carried offstage in a stretcher, she comes back in a hospital gown and she has this nightmare of her husband, the Count, giving her a laryngoscopy, which of course has all kinds of sexual innuendo,” Costanzo was quoted as saying.
The madcap presentation, directed by Dustin Wills, aims to bring a fresh perspective to this classic opera. “It's a kind of Olympic task,” said Wills, describing the complexity and physical demands of the production. “The story of The Marriage of Figaro is so mad-cap and bananas.”
Costanzo’s concept for the show was inspired by his previous concert performance with Justin Vivian Bond, Only an Octave Apart. Staged by Winokur, the concert mixed pop and classical elements, including a comic rendition of the Count and Susanna's Crudel! Perché finora aria.
The production features a talented cast, including Daniel Liu as the Countess, Ariana Venturi as the Count, Christopher Bannow as Figaro, and Emma Ramos as Susanna. The actors mime their roles alongside Costanzo, adding a layer of visual storytelling to the performance.
The Marriage of Figaro at Little Island is a limited-run engagement, with performances continuing through September 22. This innovative production offers a fresh take on a classic opera, inviting audiences to experience the music and storytelling in a new and exciting way.