An artiste’s life is rather difficult. Along with the impending need to be perfect and better than the rest, dealing with the people around, the society’s whispers in the background, and being in the public eye are also a challenge. While performing arts in itself is very glamorous, more so with the film industry, it can also affect the artistes adversely. Nibha Theatre Ensemble presents Paakuduraallu, an adaptation of a novel, on an actress’ rise to fame, and the challenges she faces in her journey.
“Ravuri Bharadwaja, a journalist and the author of this book had written it in bits as part of a column in a magazine, inspired by true events. One of the biggest challenges was to recognise what to retain and what to cut out. there are around 50 characters in the book, and multiple sub-plots. We omitted the characters which didn’t have a proper closure and arc, and the scenes which did not have a transition link,” says Nasreen Ishaque, the director of the play. She also expresses that visually representing the story was a challenge as the plot takes places over a long period of time and across multiple locations.
As a lot of events are inspired by true incidents, the group did not want to play around with the script and story. The language is also retained to give the feel of the ’50s ’60s era. The ensemble added their own element with music. “We do not have any professional musicians or dancers, but have managed to compose some original music to add to the feel of the era,” Nasreen says. The tracks which enhance the mood and feel of the play also double as transitions to the plotline.
One of the subplots is a journey all artistes aspire to have — from a thetre actor to one on the big screen. The group particularly chose to do this play as the story of the protagonist, Manjari, and her journey from a theatre artiste to an actress in cinema, is one most actors in the group resonated with. “For many, it becomes a rags to riches saga, and they are attracted to the glam, glitz, fame and wealth the industry offers,” Nasreen adds. Paakuduraalu means slippery stones in Telugu, symbolic of the slippery journey to fame. the director says that in the film industry, maintaining balance is a constant challenge. A single misstep can lead to a steep fall into the dark abyss of relentless anxiety and fear, threatening the delicate existence of an actor.
Seamlessly blending important themes with realistic visuals, the director delivers a thought-provoking play about women empowerment.
Tickets at INR 250. January 31 & February 1, 7 pm. At Rangbhoomi Spaces and Events, Serilingampalle.