In an explosive interview, Raj Kundra responded to the allegations made by his ex-wife Kavita against Shilpa Shetty. During the interview Raj said, Kavita was having an affair with his sister’s husband when they were living in London. He also revealed that Kavita was paid thousands of pounds for the interview against Shilpa and that he was not been able to meet his daughter, who was just 40 days old when they separated.
“We were living in one house with my mum, dad and my sister and her husband had moved over from India to try and settle in the UK. She grew very close to my ex brother-in-law spending more and more time with him especially when I was out on business trips. Many of my family and even my driver would say we sense something fishy between these two and I would never believe it. I gave my ex-wife the benefit of doubt."
For the unversed, a few days back an old interview video by Raj Kundra’s ex-wife Kavita surfaced online. In the shocking interview Kavita blamed Shilpa Shetty for wrecking her marriage with Raj.
Further in the interview, raj said that his sister and her husband moved to India but Kavita was still talking to his brother-in-law. Raj also found a secret cellphone that Kavita hid in the bathroom and discovered the messages exchanged between them. “I recall how heartbroken I was and how I cried and cried thinking about what I had done to deserve this. I called and told my pregnant sister the phone number was Kavita’s second secret phone and that I was going to drop her at her house and that was the end for me she could decide what she wanted to do,” he said.
Raj said, while his sister decided to stay with her husband and give their relationship another chance, he decided to separate with his wife. He said that Kavita’s demands were less during the divorce she later increased them after getting to know that Raj was dating Shilpa.
He also said that the he is not in touch with his ex-wife and because his sister was also involved in the matter, Raj decided to not reveal the details of Kavita’s affair to the media when she first gave the interview. He revealed that Shilpa also agreed to the decision back then. "It was very hard on Shilpa and I know how upset she was but she also understood the predicament I was in. She really supported me during this emotional time of my life. She has and always does bring out the best in me. I am grateful to God for such an amazing wife. Some good Karma I must have done that I went from marriage from hell to finding my real soul mate," he said about Shilpa.
He also said that this time too Shilpa didn’t want him to speak about it. “Shilpa didn’t want me to speak when I sent her the old articles going viral again. The timing of these articles, days after her birthday going viral again, upset me. Enough was enough,” he said. "Shilpa is upset I spoke my heart out, but the truth had to come out," he added.
In that old interview Kavita had said, “I look at the pictures of them together and think, she’s with my husband, she’s living my life. While I was trying to put our marriage back together, he was talking constantly about Shilpa, as if it didn’t matter what happened to us because he had found someone better, cleverer and more famous than me. Now he has begun pestering me for a divorce. I asked him if he planned to marry someone else but he avoided the question.”
Raj Kundra then denied all the alligations and apologised to Shilpa and her family. Shilpa, too, had reacted to Kavita’s statements, saying, "She knew very well that I didn't even know her husband when she walked out on him."