Actor Tanuj Virwani's animated comic series Jo Fo Mo aims to raise funds for the Give India Foundation

The series is posted on the actor's official Instagram page
Tanuj Virwani
Tanuj Virwani
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Inside Edge actor, Tanuj Virwani was busy shooting for three web series Inside Edge 3, Cartel, and Kamathipura just before the lockdown. But the actor who also shot for a cameo in  Masaba's show Masaba Masaba hasn't let the quarantine dampen his creative instincts.

Tanuj has recently launched an animated comic series on his Instagram page, with his friends Ritvik and Jitu. The animated series is called Jo Fo Mo and every week a new episode will be released by the actor. Talking about his idea, Tanuj says, "These are difficult times and the only thing that will take us through this is patience and self-belief. Jitu, Ritwik and I got together to add a bit of humour in people's lives and that's when we thought of Jo Fo Mo. I have done the voiceover for it and dubbed it on my phone. The end is to raise money through this series and contribute to Give India Foundation." The animated videos series is a satirical take on the current situation of the country. Watch here.

Earlier in April, Tanuj made a short film on the corona crisis, titled Urban Incarceration. The actor had revealed his aim to make this short (that was entirely filmed on his iPhone) was to let everyone know that be it a celebrity or a regular person, everyone is in this situation together and that is what makes us human.

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