The much-awaited Bhoot Police has finally gone on floors. The lead cast including Saif Ali Khan, Arjun Kapoor, Jacqueline Fernandez, Yami Gautam along with producers Ramesh Taurani and Akshai Puri were spotted at the private Mumbai airport as they headed to Dalhousie in a private charter to begin their shoot schedule.
While the team shared the first poster of the movie, Kareena showed her support for husband Saif, by sharing the poster. Bebo wrote, "The #NewNormal is Paranormal Good luck guys... kill it."
Director Pavan Kirpalani had earlier said that the film will be a 'crazy entertainer'. "We are excited to bring this spooky adventure-comedy and really happy to have Saif and Arjun join the team as they are a perfect fit for this crazy entertainer. Both of them will be seen in very different avatars and will bring their trademark humour to the script," Pavan had said.