Actress Katrina Kaif took to her Instagram stories on Sunday to post some pictures from the sets of her upcoming film, Merry Christmas, with Tamil actor Vijay Sethupathi. The first picture showed a clapboard with Merry Christmas written on it. She captioned the picture, “Work Work Work (sic).”
The second image featured the film’s director, Sriram Raghavan, looking at the camera. Katrina wrote, “Directed by” along with the picture.
The last image had Vijay facing the camera. Katrina captioned the picture, “(camera emoji) by me (sic).”
The film will mark the first collaboration between Katrina and Vijay. According to sources, the film is scheduled to release in theatres next winter but an official release date has not been confirmed yet.
The actress had also shared a picture from the sets earlier during the rehearsals of the film. The picture featured Vijay and Sriram too, engaged in a discussion. The actress captioned the post, “Work in progress #rehearsals #merrychristmas #sriramraghavan (sic).”
According to sources, the actress started shooting for the film after her wedding to Vicky Kaushal in December 2021. She announced the film with an Instagram post that had a picture from the sets, writing, “New Beginnings. BACK ON SET with director #sriramraghavan for Merry Christmas! I’ve always wanted to work with Sriram Sir, He is a master when it comes to narratives that showcase thrillers and it's an honor to be directed by him. Super excited to be teaming up with @actorvijaysethupathi for this one produced by @rameshtaurani & @sanjayroutraymatchbox (sic).”
On the work front, the actress will be seen in the upcoming horror-comedy film, Phone Bhoot with Ishaan Khatter and Siddhant Chaturvedi. She also has the third film in the Tiger series with Salman Khan, and Farhan Akhtar’s Jee Le Zara in the pipeline.