Telugu actor Ram Charan is currently in the US to promote RRR before the 95th Academy Awards which will take place on March 13 (IST). RRR’s track Naatu Naatu has been nominated under the category of Best Original Song for Oscars 2023. The actor has been appearing on several American chat shows to promote the film.
Recently, he appeared on a chatshow on the American news network, KTLA Entertainment for which he chose a tan and white outfit. On the show, the hosts called Ram the ‘Brad Pitt of India.’ Introducing the actor, the host said, “He has been referred to as the Brad Pitt of India." When asked, “Do you like that designation?” the actor replied, “I mean, I like Brad Pitt for sure.”
The actor looked dapper in the look and took to his Instagram handle to share an image of himself, which he captioned, “Soaking in the LA vibe! Thank you @ktla_entertainment for having me. @rrrmovie back in theatres all across the United States starting March 3, catch us on the big screen once again.”
In one of the two snaps he shared, he appeared sleek dressed in a classy jacket, white button-down shirt and brown pants. He added a watch and a pair of formal shoes in indigo blue to the ensemble as accessories. In the image, he can be seen posing in front of a mirrored wall. Another picture featured Ram posing with the hosts of the TV show.
Ram Charan's linen jacket had a tailored fit and was embellished with pinstripe patterns in various brown tones. It also had a collared neckline, front pockets, button closures, an open front, full-length sleeves with open cuffs, and an open front. He layered the jacket over a white shirt with long sleeves, pockets, and a slim, figure-hugging fit.