Shah Rukh Khan's comeback film, Pathaan, starring Deepika Padukone and John Abraham broke Bollywood's dry spell at the box office. With a worldwide gross collection of ₹1,049.69 crores, the film became Shah Rukh's comeback worthwhile and now, the actor is celebrating the success with aplomb. The actor has purchased a Rolls-Royce Cullinan worth ₹10 crores and photos of his swanky new wheels have taken over the internet.
Shah Rukh already is a proud owner of the Phantom Drophead Coupe, Land Rover Range Rover Sport and BMW 6-series Convertible and BMW i8. Apart from these, as per media reports, he also has Toyota Land Cruiser, Mitsubishi Pajero and Creta parked in his garage. Rolls-Royce Cullinan is the latest addition and in case you have not seen the photos yet, check here:
#Pathaan's new Rolls-Royce Cullinan Black Badge ❤️
— Shah Rukh Khan Warriors FAN Club (@TeamSRKWarriors) March 26, 2023
On the work front, SRK currently has Dunki with Rajkumar Hirani and Jawaan with Atlee in the works.
Dunki, reportedly, is a comedy-drama and stars Taapse Pannu opposite Shah Rukh. The film marks their first-ever collaboration. As for Jawaan, the Hindi-language action thriller film stars SRK in a dual role with Vijay Sethupathi, Nayanthara, Sanya Malhotra and Priyamani. The film is scheduled to release theatrically on June 02.
King Khan is also set to make a special appearance in Salman Khan-starrer Tiger 3 directed by Maneesh Sharma.