Bollywood superstars Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan, known for their on-screen and off-screen friendship, recently shared cameo appearances in each other's films, Pathaan and Tiger 3. Salman, in a recent interview, emphasised the strength of their off-screen bond, stating, “Our off-screen chemistry is better than our on-screen chemistry. When the on-screen chemistry is so good, you can understand the off-screen chemistry.”
Addressing the rift between their fan clubs on social media, Salman shared, “I always tell my fans that he is your brother’s brother, so nothing should happen to him. So my fans didn’t do that much. And I don’t see that much social media, I don’t understand this negativity and trolling, so the thing that I don’t understand does not bother me much, and neither does Shah Rukh.”
In the same interview, Salman expressed concern about fans celebrating the release of Tiger 3 by bursting firecrackers inside cinema halls. He cautioned against such actions, stating, “Don't do that. This is very dangerous, it is not cool at all. If these fans think that they earn my respect by doing this, then that is not the case. A fire can break out and people can lose their lives, and I don't want any accident to take place...So, do enjoy but don't pour milk on my posters...If you have to do it, offer milk to poor children.”