Popular Telugu actors Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala are officially engaged. The joyous news was shared by Chaitanya’s father, Nagarjuna through a heartwarming post on X.
The veteran actor took to the social media platform to share the happy news, along with beautiful pictures from the intimate ceremony. Sobhita looked ethereal in a peach silk sari, complemented by traditional gold jewellery and delicate floral accents. Chaitanya, by her side, exuded an air of regal charm in his pristine white ensemble.
The couple’s engagement, which reportedly took place at Nagarjuna’s residence in Hyderabad, has been met with an outpouring of love and congratulations from fans and well-wishers alike. Social media is abuzz with messages of happiness and blessings for the newly engaged couple. A fan wrote, “Congratulations to Akkineni Family.” “Best wishes to Chay and the Akkineni family,” read another comment.
The announcement marks the beginning of a new chapter for both Chaitanya and Shobhita as they embark on this exciting journey together, fans eagerly anticipate the next steps in their love story.