Tamil actor Dhanush has demonstrated his compassionate side by contributing a sum of INR 25 lakhs to the Kerala CM Relief Fund in the wake of the devastating landslides in Wayanad. The actor’s gesture joins a growing list of celebrities from the Malayalam, Tamil, and Telugu film industries who have come forward to support the affected people.
The landslide, triggered by incessant rainfall, caused widespread destruction and loss of life in the region. The disaster has prompted a massive relief effort involving the army, police, and dedicated volunteers. The Indian Army’s swift construction of a 190-foot bridge within 71 hours is a testament to the collective determination to aid those affected.
Dhanush’s contribution reflects the growing awareness and responsibility among celebrities to support humanitarian causes. His latest film, Raayan, marked a significant milestone in his career as both an actor and director. The actor is currently gearing up for Sekhar Kammula's Kubera, alongside Nagarjuna, Rashmika Mandanna, and Jim Sarbh. Additionally, Dhanush has an upcoming directorial venture titled Nilavuku En Mel Ennadi Kobam.
The outpouring of support from the film industry and the public at large underscores the spirit of unity and compassion in times of crisis. As the relief efforts continue, the hope is that the affected communities will gradually recover and rebuild their lives.