Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif has showered praise on her brother-in-law, Sunny Kaushal, for his performance in the recently released film, Phir Aayi Hasseen Dillruba. The actress took to Instagram to share her excitement about the film, revealing that she had to pause it multiple times to discuss her theories with her husband Vicky Kaushal.
Katrina expressed her admiration for the entire cast, including Taapsee Pannu, Vikrant Massey, and Jimmy Sheirgill, who she believed delivered exceptional performances. However, it was Sunny who stole the show for her, with Katrina admitting to being surprised by his acting prowess.
Sharing an image of her television screen with the movie playing, she wrote, “Loved...too much fun....had to keep pausing it to tell my husband my theories about the plot... Congratulations @aanandlrai @jaypraddesai @kanika.d. @taapseepannu toooo good, #jimmisheirgill killed it! @vikrantmassey brilliant as always @sunsunnykhez aahhhhhh you took me by surprise and after seeing this side of you anything you say is right, you are always right and the best devar (brother-in-law) one can ever imagine...promise never to bother you.”
The film, a sequel to the 2021 film Haseen Dilruba, has garnered positive reviews, with audiences praising its engaging plot and unexpected twists. Sunny’s performance has been particularly lauded.
Vicky, who previously shared his enthusiasm for the film on social media, has undoubtedly been a strong supporter of his brother's career. The Kaushal brothers' bond and mutual admiration have been evident in their public interactions.