On Thursday, veteran actress Neetu Kapoor took a nostalgic trip down memory lane by sharing a childhood photo of her daughter and fashion designer, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni. Neetu posted the picture on her Instagram Stories, where she has 2.1 million followers, re-sharing a post from Riddhima. The throwback photo, originally shared by Riddhima, shows a young Neetu holding her baby daughter, with the caption: “Oldie but goldie.” Neetu added her own caption: “My ridz at 9 months,” along with a heart emoji.
On a personal note, Neetu married late Bollywood actor Rishi Kapoor, in January 1980. They have two children — daughter Riddhima and son Ranbir Kapoor, who is an actor and married to actress Alia Bhatt. The couple has a daughter named Raha.
Neetu made her acting debut in the 1966 film Suraj, a swashbuckler directed by T Prakash Rao. She played a dual role in the romantic comedy Do Kaliyaan and transitioned to mature roles with Rickshawala. Neetu gained significant recognition with her performances in Yaadon Ki Baaraat, Deewaar, Khel Khel Mein, Kabhi Kabhie, Amar Akbar Anthony, and Dharam Veer.
The 68-year-old actress has also appeared in films like Doosra Aadmi, Kasme Vaade, The Great Gambler, Jaani Dushman, Choron Ki Baaraat, Ganga Meri Maa, and Love Aaj Kal. Her most recent appearance was in the family comedy-drama Jugjugg Jeeyo, directed by Raj Mehta and produced by Dharma Productions and Viacom18 Studios, which also starred Anil Kapoor, Varun Dhawan, Kiara Advani, Manish Paul, and Prajakta Koli. Neetu’s upcoming project is Letters to Mr. Khanna.