Sidharth Malhotra recently took to Instagram to share a post celebrating National Sports Day, where he reflected on his deep-rooted love for sports, especially cricket. The actor posted a throwback picture of himself playing gully cricket on a set and a video of him and Fawad Khan playing cricket on the sets of Kapoor & Sons.
In the caption, Sidharth reminisced about his journey from the streets of Delhi to the glamorous world of film sets, emphasising how sports played a significant role in shaping his life. “From Delhi streets to film sets, my love for cricket remains unchanged! Sports were always a big part of my life – basketball, club level rugby, football, and of course, gully cricket,” he wrote. The actor acknowledged how these activities not only built his physical strength but also contributed to his mental resilience.
The actor, who is known for his dedication to fitness, often credits his athletic background for his discipline and focus. His followers were quick to flood the comments with appreciation, applauding his continued commitment to staying active even amidst a busy shooting schedule.
Sidharth’s post is a reminder that no matter how far one goes, the love for certain things from our childhood, like sports, stays close to the heart. For the actor, a quick game of cricket during shoot breaks is more than just a pastime; it's a way to reconnect with his roots.