Several Bollywood celebrities took to social media to congratulate Indian para-athletes who won medals at the Paris Paralympics 2024. Avani Lekhara clinched gold in the women’s 10m air rifle final, while Mona Agarwal bagged bronze in the same event. Manish Narwal won silver in the men’s 10m air pistol SH1 pistol final event, and para sprinter Preeti Pal secured bronze in the 100m T35 event.
Kareena Kapoor led the charge, tagging all the para-athletes on her Instagram Stories and expressing her pride and admiration. Ayushmann Khurrana also shared his congratulations, highlighting the incredible achievements of the Indian athletes.
Legendary Indian cricketer Sachin Tendulkar also took to his X account to congratulate the athletes.
Sonu Sood posted photos of Avani and Mona on his X account, praising their outstanding performance and dedication. Sonali Bendre shared a collage of the medallists, celebrating their victories and inspiring others.
Jackky Bhagnani joined the chorus of congratulations, lauding Avani Lekhara and Mona Agarwal for their exceptional achievements. He expressed his admiration for their hard work and dedication, emphasising their inspiring stories.
Rakul Preet Singh also took to social media to celebrate the victories of Avani Lekhara and Mona Agarwal. She highlighted their dedication and perseverance, calling them true champions.
The Indian para-athletes’ success at the Paris Paralympics has brought immense pride and joy to the nation. Their achievements serve as an inspiration to millions, showcasing the power of determination and resilience.