Ali Fazal is back at work after taking a brief paternity leave. The actor, who recently welcomed a baby girl with his wife, Richa Chadha, on July 16, 2024, is ready to dive back into his busy filming schedule. Ali took this time off to support Richa and enjoy his new role as a father, sharing how fulfilling the experience has been.
The newbie dad said, “Becoming a father has been the most fulfilling experience of my life. I cherished every moment of my break, staying close to Richa and our daughter. Now, I am ready to juggle my responsibilities and return to the sets with renewed energy and enthusiasm.”
Ali’s return marks the start of his work on the much-anticipated films Lahore 1947 and Thug Life. Fans are eagerly awaiting his performances, especially as his packed calendar includes six major projects, such as Rakt Bramhand, Metro In Dino, and the Hollywood film Afghan Dreamers.
Balancing personal and professional life, Ali is set for a remarkable year, promising more performances on screen. His dedication to both his craft and his family continues to inspire his followers and colleagues alike.