Popular Tamil actor Vikram opened up about his marriage with Shailaja, in a recent interview. The actor expressed his gratitude for meeting her and acknowledged the contrasting personalities that have enriched their relationship.
Vikram shared that he and Shailaja come from different cultural backgrounds, with him being half Hindu and half Christian and her being Malayali. Despite these differences, they have built a strong and loving bond.
“She’s Malayali, and I’m Tamil… Today, you can have live-ins, but then, it was considered taboo to even talk to a girl, and somebody who’s not… I’m half Hindu half Christian, and she’s Malayali, there’s all of that happening. But I’m glad I met her, and I’m glad she’s there… After I got married, it’s always been my wife. She’s always been that source of support. She’s a psychologist, but she’s constantly helping people. She’s an angel of sorts... When I saw her for the first time, I just felt something. She told me later that bells rang for her, and something happened for her to know that I was the guy.”
Vikram emphasised the significant role Shailaja plays in his life, describing her as his constant support and a source of wisdom. He acknowledged her unique perspective and her ability to see things in a positive light.
“She always sees things in the correct perspective, unless she’s having a problem with me, then nothing makes sense… She’s so different from me, we’re like chalk and cheese. If I want the air-con, she’ll says she doesn’t even want the fan; I like to dress flashy, and she’ll say, ‘What is wrong with you’… Her family had poets and scholars, and I’m just an actor. In the beginning, she was trying to change me, but I said, ‘Let’s get one thing straight, that’s my first love, you’re my second love, if that’s not going to work, this isn’t going to work’. At times she would hope my films don’t work, but now she’s obsessed about my films working,”
Vikram and Shailaja have been married for many years and are proud parents to two children, Akshita and Dhruv. Vikram’s recent film, Thangalaan, received praise for his powerful performance, and he is currently working on Veera Dheera Sooran: Part 2.