The 52nd edition of the International Film Festival of India (IFFI), set to be held from November 20-28 this year, will have a Special Retrospective in honour of the late filmmaker Satyajit Ray. The festival will also pay tribute to the Oscar-winning maestro and his legacy by instituting a special award called Satyajit Ray Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in Cinema. This award will be given at the IFFI every year starting from this edition.
Reckoned as one of Asia's oldest and India's biggest international film festivals, IFFI will be held in a hybrid format following the success of the 51st edition in January 2021. The festival is being organised by the Directorate of Film Festivals (DFF), Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India in collaboration with the State Government of Goa and the Indian Film Industry. Hon’ble Minister of Information and Broadcasting Prakash Javadekar released the regulations and poster today.
Every year, the festival celebrates some of the finest cinematic works and showcases a bouquet of the best films from India and around the world. And this year too we will see an array of interesting and thought-provoking visual narratives from across the globe.