Renowned American actor and film producer Michael Douglas commended the initiatives of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the realms of film production and finance during the 54th International Film Festival of India in Goa.
Expressing his thoughts on the festival’s significance and PM Modi’s leadership, Michael remarked, “I also think this is more and more the sort of spirit, and the beauty of this festival are you had 78 foreign countries represented, and it's only a reflection of the strength of your Indian filming, which is renowned and known around the world. I think you're in very good hands I think it's beginning to.”
He further lauded the efforts of Union Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Anurag Thakur. Speaking to the media, Michael stated, “As I mentioned, I do think that under minister Anurag Thakur as well as Prime Minister Modi the last few years we’ve seen more money put into the production and financing of films, it's been a very successful time.”
The artiste also emphasised the unifying power of movies, transcending barriers of race, religion, and gender. “I mean with all the different languages we speak, movies share the same language, audiences from wherever you are in the world can understand what's going on, movies bring us closer together and I think that's a very important aspect of it,” he shared, highlighting the role of films in fostering unity among diverse cultures.