The makers of the upcoming action thriller Yudhra recently announced the release date along with a set of intense new posters, setting the stage for a highly anticipated release. Featuring Siddhant Chaturvedi and Malavika Mohanan, these visuals have quickly caught the attention of fans and cinephiles alike, building excitement for what promises to be a gripping film experience. With a release date set for September 20, the project is shaping up to be one of the most anticipated action thrillers that is sure to leave a lasting impact.
In one of the posters, Siddhant is seen in a fierce, blood-soaked avatar, exuding a raw energy that hints at the high-octane action scenes the film will offer. His intense expression and physical transformation are evidence of the rigorous training he underwent, including sessions in mixed martial arts (MMA), kickboxing, and jiu-jitsu. This is Siddhant's first foray into a full-fledged action role.
The second poster introduces the chemistry between Siddhant and Malavika, who is making her Hindi-language cinema debut with Yudhra. The pairing of these two promising actors adds an extra layer of intrigue, as their intense and ready-for-action looks suggest a powerful on-screen dynamic.
Directed by Ravi Udyawar, known for his work in MOM, Yudhra promises to be a major milestone in Siddhant’s career, showcasing a side of him that audiences have yet to see. Malavika’s presence in the film is already generating buzz, making this project one of the most talked-about releases of the year.