In a tragic turn of events, Karuppi, the beloved dog from Mari Selvaraj's film Pariyerum Perumal (2018), lost her life during this year's Deepavali. Terrified by the loud sounds of firecrackers, she ran away from her home in Tirunelveli and was sadly struck by a bus. Following her death, she was buried, and many came to pay their respects.
The irony of her passing is striking, as it mirrors her character's fate in the film, where she also falls victim to violence and suffers a tragic end. The song Karuppi from the movie pays tribute to her, and she has become a powerful symbol of caste oppression, capturing the hearts of many.
Kathir, the film's lead actor, shared heartfelt throwback photos from the set, expressing his sorrow and uncertainty about living without her. He wrote, "Hope you found peace," highlighting the close bond they formed during filming.
Karuppi's untimely death has reignited discussions about the impact of high-decibel fireworks during Deepavali, as many animals and birds often suffer injuries or lose their lives due to the noise.