The documentary Deep Rising, narrated by Aquaman star Jason Momoa, delves into the mysteries of the deep seabed while highlighting the looming threat of deep-sea mining. Directed by Matthieu Rytz, the film sheds light on Earth's last untouched wilderness—its largest living space and a critical carbon sink—and the environmental and geopolitical stakes tied to its preservation.
Jason, who also serves as an executive producer, brings his passion for ocean conservation to this project, aligning it thematically with his iconic portrayal of Aquaman. The documentary exposes the potential devastation deep-sea mining could unleash on these fragile ecosystems, emphasising the urgency of protecting the planet’s final frontier.
Deep Rising not only explores the hidden wonders of the deep ocean but also examines its critical role in maintaining Earth's ecological balance. Premiering at the Sundance Film Festival, the film has garnered acclaim for its compelling storytelling and environmental advocacy, winning multiple awards.
The film calls for global action to safeguard the deep ocean before destructive mining practices begin. With deep-sea mining still in its infancy, the documentary underscores the unique opportunity to prevent irreversible damage, urging communities worldwide to protect this irreplaceable ecosystem for future generations.
Currently available on, Deep Rising will soon be accessible on major streaming platforms, broadening its reach and impact.