Bollywood actor and filmmaker Farhan Akhtar has commenced shooting for the highly anticipated war drama, 120 Bahadur, in the breathtaking landscapes of Ladakh. The film is based on the true story of Major Shaitan Singh, a Param Vir Chakra awardee, and his brave soldiers from Charlie Company, 13 Kumaon Regiment.
Set against the backdrop of the 1962 Indo-China war, 120 Bahadur will delve into the Battle of Rezang La, a heroic confrontation that showcased the unparalleled courage and sacrifice of India's armed forces. The film's makers have released two motion posters, introducing Farhan Akhtar in the role of Major Shaitan Singh.
Excited about the project, Farhan took to Instagram to express his gratitude and honour. "What they accomplished will never be forgotten. It is an absolute privilege to bring you the story of Maj Shaitan Singh PVC and the soldiers of Charlie company, 13 Kumaon regiment. Famously known as the Battle of Rezang La, fought on the 18th of November 1962 during the Indo-China war, it is a story of remarkable courage, heroism and selflessness shown by our men in uniform against all odds," he wrote, highlighting the battle's significance and the incredible bravery displayed by the soldiers.
Directed by Razneesh 'Razy' Ghai, 120 Bahadur is set to be a visually stunning and emotionally impactful film. Produced by Excel Entertainment and Trigger Happy Studios, the movie aims to not only entertain but also pay tribute to the valor of India's armed forces.
In addition to 120 Bahadur, Farhan Akhtar is also gearing up to direct the upcoming film, Don 3.