Thalapathy Vijay's much-anticipated film GOAT has met with an enthusiastic reception as it hit screens across theatres worldwide today. In Chennai, the film's director, Venkat Prabhu, and actor Prabhudeva attended a special screening. The Tamil Nadu government has granted a special exemption allowing AGS Entertainment, the film's producer, to host early-morning screenings at 9 am and additional shows until 2 am on both September 5 and 6, 2024.
Typically, theatres in Tamil Nadu are restricted to four shows per day.The government order issued on Wednesday evening permits the extra shows by relaxing certain licensing conditions, provided theatre operators inform the licensing and tax authorities.
GOAT features an ensemble cast including Vijay, Prabhudeva, Meenakshi Chaudhary, Prashanth, Laila, Sneha, Ajmal, Mohan, Jayaram, Vaibhav, Premji, and Aravind Akash, with music composed by Yuvanshankar Raja.
Fans have celebrated the film's release with enthusiasm, lighting crackers, erecting large cut-outs of Vijay, and performing traditional rituals such as offering milk to these cut-outs. Inside Chennai's Kashi theatre, crowds danced in joy as the movie debuted.
The film’s makers are optimistic about a strong first-day box office collection, targeting Rs 100 crore. Vijay's contemporary, Thala Ajith, and prominent Tamil director Atlee have both extended their congratulations and best wishes to Vijay and Prabhu for the success of GOAT.
Vijay portrays a retired RAW agent who after intending to enjoy a peaceful life with his family, is drawn back into action due to complications with past adversaries. The film is full of suspense, and Venkat Prabhu has urged fans to keep the plot twists a secret.
Meanwhile fans of the actor are celebrating the occasion by sharing their opinion on the film online. Check out some of the reactions.