The teaser trailer for Tekka, the upcoming Bengali action thriller, promises a gripping narrative filled with high-stakes drama and intense action. Directed by Srijit Mukherji, the film features an ensemble cast including Dev, Rukmini Maitra, Swastika Mukherjee, Paran Bandyopadhyay, and Tota Roy Chowdhury.
The teaser sets a thrilling tone, with quick cuts and suspenseful scenes that hint at a story full of intrigue, danger, and complex character dynamics. From the high-tension soundtrack to the atmospheric cinematography, Tekka seems poised to take viewers on an edge-of-the-seat ride. The visual cues suggest a tale of the desperation poverty can lead to.
The film is set to release on October 8, right in time for the Puja season. With a tagline that reads, ‘The stakes are high, and every move is a gamble’, Tekka promises an action-packed experience, exploring themes of power, conflict, and survival.