The much-awaited trailer of Amazon Prime Video's upcoming fiction crime thriller series Bambai Meri Jaan is out. The show directed by Shujaat Saudagar brings versatile and talented actors such as Kay Kay Menon, Avinash Tiwary, Kritika Kamra and Nivedita Bhattacharya along with Amyra Dastur in a 10-part Hindi original series.
The trailer takes the viewers on a fast-paced, gritty and immersive ride through the mean streets of fictionalized 1970s Mumbai, where gang wars, crimes, and treachery were a common affair. Against this backdrop, the fictional series is a captivating tale of an honest cop who sees his son choose the path of crime to overcome a life of poverty and struggle. The trailer gives the viewers a glimpse of the pain a father undergoes as he sees his family being pulled apart by lost ethos, greed and corruption.
Sharing about his role in the upcoming series, actor Kay Kay Menon says, “My character Ismail Kadri is multi-layered and complex. He is an honest cop and a doting father who isn’t perfect. On one hand, he is deeply committed to cleaning the city of Bambai of all crime, on the other, to save his family, he is forced to become a pawn to the city’s crime syndicate. Even as Ismail fights against all odds not to give in to the evil surrounding him, he sees his own flesh and blood rising as the city’s new gang lord.”
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Avinash Tiwary mentions, “When I first read the script and about my character, Dara Kadri, I was awestruck and hesitant at the same time. The character I play in Bambai Meri Jaan is something that very few actors get an opportunity to sink their teeth into, this early in their career. The way I saw it, there are villains and then there is Dara, a dynamic young man who believes that honest hard work won’t get you money and power. From nothing (hunger) to something (provider for the family and his people) to everything (power), ‘bhook’ (hunger) is an integral part of his journey. To become someone everyone bows down to, one who is feared and revered in equal measures, he has to turn into a cold-blooded monster. As a director, Shujaat’s creativity, attention to detail, and ability to inspire and motivate each one of us to give our best, really enabled me to bring Dara’s character to life the way he and Rensil had envisioned while writing the script. I am looking forward to reactions from viewers from India and around the world.”
Bambai Meri Jaan is set for a release on September 14 on Amazon Prime Video.
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