PRêT, couture, designer wear or a master class in styling — there’s something for everyone at Style Trunk Co’s first fashion pop-up in Chennai. The one-day exclusive event will be organised by Asha Haresh and daughter Neha Relwani. Making it even more exciting and exclusive are the LFW designers Mayank Anand and Shraddha Nigam from Mumbai, Ritu Kumar of O Layla and Wills Lifestyle designer Preeti Jhawar from Kolkata who will be present at the showcase. While Asha was previously a designer herself, Neha did her masters in London, in fashion branding and marketing. What makes it exclusive, you ask? It’s just a one-day event, so everything is up for grabs! "Since this pop-up is our first, we wanted it to be special, so we’ve roped in labels from all across the country, and made sure that these are clothes that we have actually tried and tested ourselves,” says Asha and Neha. If you've got the weekend ahead of you, this is the best place to buy fashion jewellery and apparel in Chennai.
Among those who are coming down for the first time is Exhale, Mumbai-based label conceptualised by Palak Shah for over two years. “I combined casual clothing with mental health,” says the 27-year-old, who previously worked with designer Masaba. “Every piece of mine is based on someone’s story and they have words on them like ‘Mind your own measurement’ which is about body shaming , and another line called ‘Flawed but beautiful’.” The clothes are casual and for people who love to wear a statement. With separates that can be mixed and matched, Exhale has colours like peaches, greys, whites, blacks made in pure cottons. Palak will be bringing about 21 styles, in about 120 pieces. From `700 onwards.
Mumbai-based label Shraddha and Mayank Nigam, who debuted at LFW,will be bringing in their recent LFW line, which is colourful, festive and definitely individualistic in nature. “Our signature cuts and fluidity of their experimental drapes are what makes them unique,” says Shraddha. With separates as well as tunics and dresses, the colours will be intense and bright in about 50-60 pieces. Starting from `5,000 to `15,000.
Mumbai-based Preeti Jhawar’s specialisation is Indian crafts, and incorporating them into fashion. “You’ll see a lot of mixing and matching, like champagne jackets with grey inners, and alot of contrasts,” says Preeti who primarily uses handloom, silk, crepes, khadis, mul mul, maska silks. Started in 2007, the designer studied at London College of Fashion. With 70 pieces, watch out for Preeti’s zardozi work and intricate embroidery. Starting from `8,000.
On October 5. At Buva House.