Mantra, the women’s designer clothing brand by Shalini James, has launched its first outlet in the city. The Kerala-based brand’s vision has always been to not only celebrate India’s hand-crafted textile heritage but also to revive, sustain, and elevate it. This commitment has led the brand to collaborate with skilled textile artisans from across India, fostering connections with talent from renowned craft destinations such as Bagru, Sanganer, Bhuj, Phulia, Murshidabad, Pochampally, Masulipatnam, Mangalgiri, Chendamangalam, and Varanasi.
Designer Shalini James tells us that her connection with Chennai goes back a long way. “I was a student of the first batch of NIFT, Chennai. So, it is a sort of homecoming to bring my brand to this city,”€ she says.
The new store signifies the brand’s ambition to make its unique collections accessible to a broader audience. “The idea has been brewing since 2021. But it was in March this year that I took the first step towards launching a store in Chennai. The mood board is a confluence of traditional textiles, a vibrant palette of hues and fine design. This mood board translates onto the store as well, with a hint of post-colonial regionalism,” says Shalini.
At Mantra, fashion meets artistry, and their focus is on hand-crafted textiles. “Over the years, we have skillfully incorporated intricate weaves, mesmerising prints, and exquisite embroideries into our designs, establishing a rich textile heritage that is deeply ingrained in the brand’s DNA,” she shares, and adds, “The mall culture is very vibrant in Chennai with a great mix of brands — both national and international. This is what appealed to us to make an entry into this market.”
The brand has a repertoire of garments in hand-crafted textiles, all of which will be available at the new store. Their latest collections — Finding Walden and Mission Malabar — will also be available. “Finding Walden embarks on a remarkable journey from Phulia to Mangalgiri, and from Sanganer to Masulipatnam, traversing uncertain times with resilience. It serves as a symbol of Mantra’s enduring mission to contribute to the preservation and promotion of textile artisanship in India. Mission Malabar is an ode to the illustrious 150-year history of the handloom industry in the Malabar regions of Kerala, and pays homage to the rich heritage of the craft, infusing it with modern design sensibilities,” adds
the designer.
Price starts at Rs 3,500.
At Shop No. S 31, Second Floor, Phoenix MarketCity, Velachery.