This summer, try these delicious and nutritious homemade dog food ideas

We’ve listed 5 recipes suggested by experts
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Image for representational purpose

Dogs stand as an ultimate example of showing unconditional love and loyalty. These four-legged friends entwine themselves into our lives, brightening our days with their limitless enthusiasm and energy. An interesting world lies between their playful and doe eyes, eagerly waiting to explore. Their every wag of tail and every position of theirs tell a story.

In summers, akin to humans, dogs too feel thirsty and hungry after all their fun and banter. During this time, they deserve to have something nice and tasty other than the same old dog food. So, here are some healthy meal ideas recommended by experts that you can cook at home.

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1. Buttermilk and rice

Buttermilk rice is given to dogs in many households as it not only keeps them hydrated but also helps with digestive issues like acidity, indigestion and ulcers. When asked, a pet owner told us that this recipe helps their furry friends stay hydrated and is healthier when compared to packaged food.  

2. Soupy rice

Vegetables like carrots, cabbage, potatoes and cucumbers are the main ingredients for this vegetable soup, and if you want to it into a non-vegetarian delight, just add some shredded chicken and broth. According to a veterinarian, this dish contains anti-biotic properties, and adding turmeric and garlic makes it anti-inflammatory. It also can aid digestion. 

3. Dal and mashed rice

Dal and boiled-mashed rice contain good amounts of carbs and proteins. The combination of the ingredients allows you to have a satisfying and comforting meal for your pets.                                                                                                                                 

4. Health mix

This health mix helps your dog to stay hydrated, gain immunity and boost stamina. Make a mix using the items listed below.


100gms ragi powder

50gms rice powder

50gms wheat

Bunch ground almonds

1 tsp powdered cardamom 

A few pieces of cashew

5. Fresh fruits

Fruits like papaya and watermelon are rich in vitamins A and C, potassium and fibre. They support the dog’s immune system and promote healthy digestion. You can cut these fruits into bite-size pieces or make them into juice. 

Image for representational purpose
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Expert tip: When feeding your pets, be it a puppy or a full-grown dog, one should never give them processed foods as they have High GI (Glycemic index) which in turn generates more heat in their bodies.

Story by Story by V. Aishwarya

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