3 reasons to use cold-pressed oils

Cold-pressed oils, extracted from nuts and seeds through natural methods, remain rich in nutrients and offer significant health benefits
Cold-pressed oil
Cold-pressed oil

It is our individual responsibility to take care of our health and well being. This extends not only to our daily practices but also to the informed choices we make about what we consume.

One area often shrouded in misconception is the role of oils and fats in our diets. While some may believe all oils are detrimental, the truth lies in understanding the distinction between processed oils and cold-pressed ones. Cold-pressed oils, extracted from nuts and seeds through natural methods, remain rich in nutrients and offer significant health benefits. Priyanshi Patel, founder of Olixir Oils, more about  the resurgence of cold-pressed oil extraction. 

Cold-pressed oil
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Embracing tradition for optimal health

Over the past few years, there has been a growing shift towards traditional practices like cold-pressed oil extraction. These methods, once commonplace, offer a healthier alternative promoting a lifestyle focused on wellness. While cold-pressed oils may not be as ubiquitous in modern kitchens, their resurgence represents a return to simpler, more wholesome eating habits.

Incorporating a variety of cold-pressed oils derived from nuts and seeds like almonds, coconuts, walnuts, flaxseeds, and sesame seeds into your diet fosters exceptional eating habits. These meticulously crafted oils boast a balanced profile of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats, vital for a healthy body.

Sustainability meets nutrition

The cold-pressing process minimises environmental impact in two key ways. Firstly, it relies on mechanical pressure instead of harsh chemicals or excessive heat, both of which can generate pollutants. Secondly, cold-pressing utilises the whole seed or nut, minimising waste compared to other extraction methods. By choosing cold-pressed oils, you’re not just making a healthy choice for yourself; you’re also supporting sustainable practices that benefit the planet.

Cold-pressed oil
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Knowledge is power

World Health Day serves as a powerful reminder that we have the power to make informed decisions about our well-being. For many, the role of oils and fats in the diet remains shrouded in misconceptions. However, by understanding the emphasis of cold-pressed oils, we can unlock a world of health benefits. Cold-pressed oils, extracted through natural methods, retain a wealth of nutrients and contribute to a balanced diet. This knowledge empowers us to embrace traditional practices that promote both personal and environmental health.

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