ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 19)
Trust your intuitions, as powerful psychic insights will bring valuable information. Be at peace from within, as you are on the right path. You have invested wisely, now have patience and wait for the harvest. A very big phase of your life or of your loved one is coming to a conclusive full circle. Prayers and spiritual awakening are the future. Lucky colour: Bright blue
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20)
Those who are planning to settle down in life will enjoy the company of their spouse, with whom they visualise a future together. Little sweet gestures in love will sweep you off your feet and make your heart flutter. A big situation in the past will come to an end and you will be finally free. New opportunities for happiness will now follow. Put the past behind you. Lucky colour: Light blue
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)
Protect yourself from evil eyes. You need not go through this situation alone. Help is nearby. Stay alert and seek spiritual guidance. A happy announcement regarding your children will make everyone very happy. Your power and confidence will intimidate others. Don’t worry, and keep moving ahead. With a forgiving heart, move on, and you will achieve success. Lucky colours: White, beige
CANCER (June 21 - July 22)
A time for career rather than relationships. A challenge will arise, which you will be able to resolve, provided you stay calm, patient, and a little detached from others’ drama. New resources of money, time, and support will emerge. A change in job or a promotion will happen sooner than expected. Lucky colours: Pink, light lavender
LEO (July 23 - August 22)
There is a better course of action available for a task to accomplish. Working alone may not be the best answer. Review all details before proceeding ahead. Make a wish, and the universe will grant it to you. A lucky week for those who are following a virtuous path. For those who are fighting for justice, the final verdict is in your favour. Lucky colours: Blue, red
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22)
A bad situation in your life is ending, and you will now be finally free. New opportunities for happiness will follow soon. All your materialistic needs will be fulfilled in the most unexpected ways. An act of kindness, charity, or rituals will increase your blessings tenfold. Release the past, as there is a more enriching future ahead. Lucky colours: Off white, bright green
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22)
Choose logic over emotions, as it’s time to move quickly and make some important decisions. The changes will be sudden and in your favour. On the work front, congratulatory messages are foreseen, as you will be soaring great heights now. Rewards, or promotions are on the cards. Your genuine concern for others will be noticed and appreciated. Lucky colours: Yellow, orange
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21)
An excellent opportunity will be offered to you. Scholarships—all the pursuit of education—is foreseen for many. Release yourself from that which holds you back. You need to detox your body, mind, and soul. It is now time to take the next step in the personal and professional phase of your life. Optimistic plans will turn out as expected. Overseas travel for work is on the cards. Lucky colours: Rust, brown
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 21)
Wisdom and objectivity are very important now. Stay in your integrity, as a situation will call for an honest and open communication. For those who are searching for a meaning in life, surround yourself with wise people. That one special person who is trying to create something wonderful with you is the one who needs to be well taken care of. Lucky colours: Green, brown, burgundy
CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19)
Embrace your inner child. Do not let the child inside you ever grow up. Spend some quality time with your childhood friends, siblings, or a rekindled relationship. Do what you know is right for you; this spiritual quest will make you a better person. It is time to cut your chords and release your attachment to the outcome as the situation does not serve you anymore. Lucky colour: Mauve
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18)
A challenge in your life will arise, which will demand extreme patience from your end and from others who are also involved in it. You will be receiving new resources of money, time, or support. A change in job or a promotion will uplift your social status and will also encourage you to work harder and look forward to being in a higher position in the years to come. Lucky colours: Pink, magenta
PISCES (February 19 - March 20)
Strength and grace are your biggest assets. The wheel of fortune will favour you now, marking new beginnings and the end of delays. Travels and relocations are on the cards. Harmonious relationships with family members will fill your life. Love and blessings are the main ingredients for a happily ever after. Lucky colour: Olive green