When Frozen Bottle opened their first kiosk in Chennai last month, they had only milkshakes on offer. However, Srihari, one of the co-founders had told us that they wanted to be known as a “dessert destination” — and had hinted about serving slices of ice cream pizza next. Sure enough, the Bengaluru-based brand has now created a sweet version of the pizza; it is medium-sized with cake as the crust and ice cream for a filling.
We had to concede that visually their pizza could well pass off for the real thing!
A thick slice of vanilla cake forms the base of their caramel ice cream pizza. Bits of green and yellow jellies replace bell peppers and melted white chocolate makes up for mozzarella cheese. Perhaps the only thing that gives it away is the cake base which resembles dough, but not close enough. Meanwhile, the cut black-coloured candied cherries that look exactly like olives nearly fool us. The slices are easy to hold; as we take a bite, the cake crumbles, the creamy ice cream melts, and bits of caramel provide a textured crunch. After a while, we must admit, it becomes a bit too sweet for us. Maybe some salted caramel would have done the trick. But this would be the perfect slice to share with your friends this summer.
“Pizzas are probably the most famous savoury fast foods around… and we wanted to give it a sweet spin. So we did some R&D and here we are,” Srihari tells us over the phone from Bengaluru. He says that the pizzas are made in Mangaluru and then transported to their outlets all over India.
Next we try a slice of decadence: a Chocolate cake base, filled with a rich chocolate ice cream, topped with chocolate sauce and crunchy nuts. The ice cream is definitely the hero here. Then we learn that they use the same “award-winning” ice cream they use for their shakes. Like last time, Srihari was hush hush about the brand. The remaining two flavours are vanilla and red velvet and there are plans of a stick waffle joining the menu soon.
Starts from Rs 169 a slice.