Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or Polycystic Ovary Disorder (PCOD and PCOS) have become very common among women, especially in India, according to reports. Although the causes are not very well known, they occur because of hormonal imbalances and the formation of cysts in the ovaries. The symptoms may include menstrual imbalances, excessive acne, excessive body hair, unbearable cramps during menstruation, infertility etc.
For people with mild PCOD, lifestyle and dietary changes along with exercise or yoga are recommended. Yoga and exercise reduce testosterone levels which are usually elevated in people with polycystic ovarian disorders. This may also subsequently reduce anxiety and depressive symptoms. We bring you some asanas which help with Polycystic ovary disorders are
Malasana strengthens the pelvic floor and strengthens the abdomen while opening the hip. This helps PCOS by increasing blood circulation in the pelvic region and improving metabolism. You can place two blocks under your glutes initially till the range of motion in your hip increases, and your ankle gains stability.
Bridge pose
The bridge pose strengthens the lower back and glutes. Lie down on the mat with your feet on the mat a little away from your hips, place your arms beside you and slowly start lifting your glutes, lower back, mid-back and upper back off the mat.
Butterfly or Supta Baddhakonasana
This is a great restorative pose for your spine and back. It also releases tension from your shoulders, chest and hips. Start seated on the mat, and slowly bring your legs towards your body with your soles pressing towards each other, and knees flopping to the sides. Then start slowly laying down on the mat without curving your lower back. Stay in this position as long as I can. For an easier modulation, sit with your back straight in the same position (soles pressed together and knees flopping to the sides).
Some yoga experts say that this is an all-inclusive pose. Sit on your mat with one leg stretched straight in front of you with the foot flexed and knee straight, and the other leg bent with the foot as close as possible to your groin and knee flopping to the sides. Now slowly, bend forward keeping the knee of your extended leg, straight. Take deep inhalations and exhalation while you stay in this position for a few seconds.
These asanas might not be the corrective measures for polycystic ovarian disorders, but can certainly help with testosterone production and relieve some symptoms.
Story by Ananya Mehta