Here are six lesser-known health benefits of cranberries

Cranberries are packed with health benefits and they have a wealth of nutritional goodness
Image Credits: Pexels
Image Credits: Pexels

Cranberries, those little ruby-red gems, are not just tasty but are also packed with a powerful punch of health benefits. Bursting with fiber, vita- mins (C, e, K1) and minerals like manganese and copper, they boast a complex phytochemical composition, including flavanols, procyanidins, anthocyanins, benzoic acid and a few other compounds.

Cranberries play a role in preventing gastrointestinal issues by affecting bacterial adhesion, coaggregation and biofilm formation in the gut, which further helps to ward off infections in the gastroin- testinal, dental, and urinary tracts, showcasing systemic anti-inflammatory actions through the gut microbiome. it is rich in antioxi- dant phenolic compounds and can fortify the body’s natural defense against oxidative stress this power. Cranberries help prevent diseases such as atherosclerosis, hyper- tension and even cancer. Let’s look at a few benefits of cranberries that have been out after several researches:

Urinary TractInfections (UTI): Cranberries come to the rescue against Utis as they contain phytonutrients, particularly a-type proanthocy- anidins. these compounds have anti-biofilm properties, acting like a shield that prevents e. coli from sticking to the bladder and urinary tract lining. this defense mechanism makes cranberries a potential preventive measure against Utis, reducing the likelihood of infection and showcasing their power in promoting urinary health.

 Kidney health: Packed with antioxi- dants and compounds like proan- thocyanidins, they help prevent urinary tract infections (Utis), which can strain the kidneys. by inhibiting harmful bacteria, cran- berries reduce the risk of kidney- related issues. additionally, their anti-inflammatory properties and ability to lower oxidative stress contribute to overall kidney health. including these little red wonders in your diet can be a tasty way to give your kidneys the care they deserve and potentially manage chronic kidney disease (CKD).

 Immune Booster: Packed with special compounds, they amp up your defense against bacteria and yeast, acting like bodyguards for your health. these compounds not only strengthen your immune system but also help reduce those pesky symptoms that come with colds and flu. so, next time you enjoy cranber- ries, know that you’re giving your immune system a little extra power to keep you feeling your best!

 Anti-Cancer Warriors: Cranberries act as cancer-fighting superheroes! Compounds derived from cranber- ries actively stop the growth of different cancer cells, working like a natural form of chemotherapy. by inhibiting cancer cell proliferation, inducing apoptosis, and curtailing their ability to invade and metas- tasize, cranberries significantly reduce the risk of cancer. however, this is not an alternative to any of the conventional treatment, but having it will be beneficial to the body even during the conven- tional treatment.

Anti-Inflammatory and fat burner: They have anti-inflammatory powers, reducing the Creactive protein (CrP), a marker for inflammation. Plus, they’re like superheroes against unwanted fat — keeping it in check by putting the brakes on adipogenesis, the process of fat cell formation. so, enjoying 1 tbsp of unsweetened cranberries not only soothes inflammation but also gives your weight-loss journey, a healthy boost!

 Anti-fungal benefits: Cranberries possess natural defenses against tooth decay and fungal infections. they hinder acid production and pre- vent the attachment and biofilm formation of harmful bacteria in the mouth, potentially reducing cavities. additionally, cranberries inhibit the growth of harmful fungi, showcasing their effectiveness as antifungal agents. including cranberries in your diet may con- tribute to better oral health. incorporating cranberries into your diet unfolds a tapestry of health benefits, offering not just a burst of flavour but a wealth of nutritional goodness. let’s make sure you use one tbsp dried unsweetened cranberries or 50-75 ml unsweetened cranberry juice for two-three weeks to get these ben- efits. overdoing anything will not be healthy.

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