Here is a list of foods to manage your hyperthyroidism naturally

Green tea, broccoli and almonds are a few staples to keep on hand
Green tea is found to be really helpful for hyperthyroidism
Green tea is found to be really helpful for hyperthyroidism
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3 min read

Last week, we discussed about hypothyroidism and few other types of thyroid issues, let’s look at this hyperthyroidism in detail today. Hyperthyroidism is nothing but the overactivity of the thyroid gland, which produces extra thyroid hormone and leads to increased metabolism. The most common type of hyperthyroidism is the autoimmune disorder Graves disease. Here, the body makes an antibody (a protein produced to protect against a virus or bacteria) called thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin (TSI) that causes the thyroid gland to produce too much of the thyroid hormone. Excessive consumption of iodine or iodine supplements is also a common cause of hyperthyroidism. Common symptoms include weight loss, weakness, an irregular heartbeat, difficult in sleeping, increased appetite, nervousness, restlessness, inability to concentrate, brittle hair, itching, hair loss, nausea and vomiting and sometimes breast development in men. The blood markers used to check hyperthyroidism are T3, T4 & TSH. When thyroid hormone levels are normal or high, your TSH should be lower. An abnormally low TSH can be the first sign of hyperthyroidism. 

The sooner an overactive thyroid is diagnosed, one can manage it effortlessly with food, medication, supplements and lifestyle changes. Hyperthyroidism can also be treated with some natural foods. However, make sure you consult your nutritionist or doctor and do not self-treat your condition.

Foods to reduce thyroid activity
 Gluten and casein are difficult to digest and can cause irritation and inflammation in the gut lining. They contain proteins that mimic different tissues of the body like collagen, thyroid, joint, neural cells. When these particles enter the blood, the immune system elicits an immune response against them and produces antibodies. The immune system gets confused and starts producing antibodies and attacks our own organs, recognizing them as foreign. That’s when autoimmune conditions like Grave’s or Hashimoto’s takes place. In such cases, avoiding gluten (wheat and wheat products) and casein (milk and milk products) becomes very important to heal the gut lining and manage the condition.

Consume foods belonging to the Brassica family, like cauliflower, brussels sprouts, peanuts, cabbage, broccoli, kale, mustard greens, turnips, rutabagas and spinach which contain goitrogens that help the body block the ability of thyroid to use iodine and hence slows down the activity of the thyroid. We can include them in their raw form or cooked. Both will help the body heal.

Omega -3- Fatty Acid helps to control the hyper-stimulated thyroid gland. Proteins are necessary for the building of muscles, thereby helping gain good weight.  These essential fatty acids are the building blocks for hormones that control immune function and cell growth, and also help improve the ability to respond to thyroid hormones. Include fatty fish, flaxseed powder, flaxseed oil, cod liver oil capsules, walnuts, chia seeds and other seeds to get a dose of omega-3-fatty acid.

Protein sources also contain L-glutamine which helps in rebuilding the gut and de-inflaming the body. Opt for fish, lean chicken and free-range eggs. Sattu and sprouts/whole beans combined with a cereal, also make a great protein source as the amino acid profile gets completed.

 The hyperactive thyroid gland can deplete the zinc in our body. Include zinc-rich foods like almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, peanuts to replenish the zinc losses from our body.

Green tea is found to be really helpful for hyperthyroidism, because of its antioxidant properties. It reduces the oxidative stress caused by hyperthyroidism. However, it boosts the metabolic rate too, which isn’t favorable in this condition. Hence, limit your intake to one cup a day and eat a well-balanced meal throughout the day.

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