Spiritual Sunday: The science of manifestation

There is the world of desires and then there is the world of reality, and many people live their lives believing that there is no way to go from one world to the other. Well, they are wrong
For representational purposes (Express Illustrations)
For representational purposes (Express Illustrations)
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4 min read

There is the world of desires and then there is the world of reality, and many people live their lives believing that there is no way to go from one world to the other. Well, they are wrong.

If no one has ever told you this before, let me tell you now - anything that you desire can manifest in reality! By anything, I mean, literally, anything! You can do so by learning the science of manifestation.

The core philosophy behind this concept is that your subconscious mind has tremendous power - more than you've ever realised. When harnessed properly, it can help you manifest your thoughts into reality.

Here’s an example for better understanding: Has it ever occurred to you that you woke up in a foul mood and thought something bad was going to happen, and then it actually happened? Or have you ever wanted something from the bottom of your heart so much that you couldn't stop thinking about it and then you actually got it? We're pretty sure you must have come across such instances; we all do. However, most of the time, we shrug them off, thinking it is just a coincidence. Trust me, it isn’t!

It's all about focus, really. When you give your mind something to focus on, it starts working subconsciously towards it. If you focus on negative ideas, you'll fill your life with negativity. If you focus on positive ideas and positive thoughts, your life will be full of positivity and prosperity. It really is as simple as that. There are millions of people in this world who have turned their lives around by adhering to this philosophy and you can too!

Why do people fail to achieve their goals?

It is a very interesting question to answer because there are so many factors at play that we need to look into. However, the most important factor is the mentality towards their goals. Many people fail at whatever they’re trying to achieve even before they take the first step towards that goal. The reason is their mentality. They never truly believe that their goals can manifest in reality. It is one of the most important factors that differentiate successful from unsuccessful.

Let me share an interesting story with you to drive this point home:

Two brothers, six and 10 years old, were once playing near a well. The older brother fell into the well and started drowning. Without any second thought, the younger brother threw the rope inside the well. The older brother grabbed the rope and the younger one pulled him out. When people came to know what had happened, they were in disbelief. They could not understand how such a frail little child managed to pull someone much bigger and heavier than him.

The answer here is that when the incident occurred, no one told the younger brother that he couldn’t do it. He believed in himself that he could pull his brother out and he managed to.

The lesson here is that any thought can manifest into reality - if only we believe it can.

Finding success with the 80-20 rule

The 80-20 rule, also known as the Pareto principle, is an aphorism that asserts that 80 percent of outcomes are a result of 20 percent of all causes for any given event. It means that there are certain factors that are more crucial than others when it comes to deriving an outcome.

In order to succeed, you must prioritise the 20 percent of factors that will produce the best results and ignore all other negatives that will take you away from your goals.

How to activate your subconscious for achieving your goals?

No goals will ever be achieved without the help of the subconscious that is infinitely more powerful than the conscious mind we use. When you truly want something and focus your heart and mind towards that desire, it eventually penetrates your subconscious.

This is what successful application of thought power means. Once that happens, your subconscious will work things out for you.

Build clarity in terms of visualisation

Be precise; be clear about what you want. If you desire a mansion, then think about what you want that mansion to look like. Where would you sit down to have your coffee? Where would you go to sleep? If you struggle with building a clear image in your head, you should practice journaling. Writing daily about your deepest desires will give you the clarity of thought that you’re looking for.

Have faith and stay positive

People often complain that this philosophy isn’t working for them. Well, it will work only when your mind is free of doubts and you have complete faith that existence will give you what you have asked for.

Be grateful

In the end, it’s all about being grateful for what you have been blessed with. If you want something from existence, you must be in receiving mode. Existence often blesses us immediately with the things that we ask for but we miss the bounties because we are not in the receiving mode. When we are grateful, we are in receiving mode and we get to see the loom of existence knit the fabric of reality from the yarn of our dreams.

(The writer is founder, Science Divine)

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