Former chief minister of West Bengal, Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee passed away on Thursday at his residence. The veteran CPI (M) leader was suffering from chronic respiratory illnesses for the last few years. He is survived by his wife Meera Bhattacharya and Suchetan, his son.
Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee tweeted, "Shocked and saddened by the sudden demise of the former Chief Minister Sri Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee. I have been knowing him for last several decades, and visited him a few times when he was ill and effectively confined to home in the last few years. My sincere condolences to Meeradi and Suchetan at this hour of grief. I communicate my condolences to the members of the CPI (M) party and all his followers. We have already taken a decision that we shall give him full respect and ceremonial honour during his last journey and rites."
West Bengal leader of opposition and BJP Leader Suvendu Adhikari wrote on X, "I am deeply saddened to learn that former West Bengal Chief Minister; Shri Buddhadeb Bhattacharya has left for his heavenly abode. Condolences to his family members and admirers. I pray that his soul finds eternal peace. Om Shanti."
National leaders like Naveen Pattnaik, Rajeev Chandrasekhar, Pratap Jena and others shared their condolences on X.
Bhattacharjee succeeded Late Jyoti Basu and became the chief minister of Bengal and served a decade as the CM from 2002-2011. Bhattacharjee lost to Mamata Banerjee in 2011.
In 1966, Bhattacharjee joined the party as a primary member, and two years later, in 1968, he was elected as the state secretary of the Democratic Youth Federation, the youth wing of the CPI(M) that was later merged into the Democratic Youth Federation of India (DYFI). He was elected to the state committee of the CPI(M) in 1972 and was inducted into the state secretariat in 1982.