Expressions Podcast Episode 22: Mompreneur Meera V Barath on storytelling, mentoring and learning from life experiences

Meera V Barath is a storyteller, mompreneur, trainer, mentor and podcaster. She explores the many facets of storytelling from life experiences and characters in the Mahabharata to coping with failure, accepting change with grace and manifesting happiness. On The Expressions Podcast with Neha, the multi-talented Meera takes us through her journey of why she quit a corporate job after childbirth, how motherhood taught her invaluable lessons and the sheer joy of storytelling to help people rediscoverĀ themselves.

From working with the ITC Hotels to heading a kitchen that uses mostly farm produce, the versatile Chef Mythrayie Iyer can even dish up something with ants or use mango flowers for a delectable menu. Hear Mythrayie's story on the previous Expressions Podcast with Neha, where she talked about why creativity and innovation are key to good food, how her travels helped her blend flavours from different cultures and why/how she rules the kitchen.

Meera V Barath
Expressions Podcast Episode 21: Chef Mythrayie Iyer on food, flavours, creativity and kitchen rules!