Expressions Podcast Episode 23: Art Collector Abhishek Poddar on museums and making invaluable artworks accessible to the people

Abhishek Poddar is one of those handful of Indians who built a substantial, variegated art collection of his own and made a part of the collection and other artworks accessible to the people

His interest in art started in childhood and after years of planning, he set up the small-and-wonderful Museum of Art and Photography in Bengaluru, which is now at the heart of the city’s cultural circuit. He joins the Expressions Podcast with Neha to talk about his passions in art, the imperative in front of cultural institutions and the direction in which Indian philanthropy is headed.

On previous week's Expressions Podcast

Meera V Barath is a storyteller, mompreneur, trainer, mentor and podcaster. She explores the many facets of storytelling from life experiences and characters in the Mahabharata to coping with failure, accepting change with grace and manifesting happiness. on the previous Expressions Podcast with Neha, the multi-talented Meera took us through her journey of why she quit a corporate job after childbirth, how motherhood taught her invaluable lessons and the sheer joy of storytelling to help people rediscover themselves.

Abhishek Poddar
Expressions Podcast Episode 22: Mompreneur Meera V Barath on storytelling, mentoring and learning from life experiences

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