
MKF Museum of Art hosts an exhibition of surreal and Mughal-inspired paintings

Ayesha Tabassum

Work by young, up and coming artists from Kolkata has been brought to Bengaluru for the new show Hues 21. From still life and abstract works to Mughal-inspired paintings, the 25 pieces currently showing at the MKF Museum of Art display the reaction of these young artists to the lockdown. “A lot of thought has gone into creating these paintings. There’s one painting done in the old Mughal style of a lady who is dressed in an elaborate attire but has a mask on and holds an ornate sanitizer bottle in her hand,” shares Shirley Mathew, the museum’s art consultant, who has also helped in putting this show together.

There’s another painting of a labourer carrying a mortar pan holding high-rises to depict the importance of migrant labourers. “It beautifully depicts the burden of urbanisation and who is carrying it,” explains Shirley. Paintings such as these and the two photographs in the collection represent the every day things that most of us forget to notice. There are other works that are abstract depictions of nature, such as a pond full of lotuses and another that’s just a simple painting of a melon. But it’s the detailing such as the veins in the fruit and the appearance of the seeds that makes it so engaging.

“Some of the work is surreal. It’s so interesting to see how these young artists have expressed their thoughts and imagination through very whimsical and dream-like work,” says Shirley. The artists whose work is displayed are trained at Swar Sangam, a non-profit organisation under the Birla Institution for Visual and Performing Arts in Kolkata.

Until January 30. At MKF Museum Of Art, Lavelle Road 