
Chef Vikas Khanna gives a sweet new twist to the traditional ladoo

Team Indulge

Diwali, a festival famed for its twinking celebrations and sweet exchange of gifts, also serves as the perfect occasion to indulge in a sugary treat without counting calories. You can start the day with a ladoo, end it with milk peda and in between pop bite-sized chocolates and no one will pat an eye; mainly because they will be busy gorging on Diwali desserts as well!

That being said, if you are someone who prefers to make sweets at home from scratch, then we have the perfect recipe listed out by celebrity chef Vikas Khanna who blends the tropical goodness of coconut with the creaminess of chocolate. In partnership with Nutella, the chef-curated a special Nutella Coconut Ladoo recipe, which is basically a modern take on this beloved traditional sweet treat.


2 cups desiccated coconut

3/4 cup condensed milk

8 almonds, finely crushed

7.5g of Nutella (or chocolate syrup per choice)

Silver leaf (optional)


In a heavy-bottomed pan, mix desiccated coconut and condensed milk

Keep stirring the pan on low flame for about four minutes until the mixture comes together

Transfer the mixture to a bowl and let it cool at room temperature

Your mixture will resemble a dough and once it does, divide it into 10 sphere-sized pieces

Flatten each piece in your palm and add 7.5 g (or a small serving) of Nutella or chocolate syrup

Gently wrap all sides of the mixture and keep rolling till it takes the shape of a ladoo

Garnish the ladoo with crushed almonds and silver leaf

Serve at room temperature with a hot brewing cup of chai and turn this into a Diwali snacking ritual.