
Four strategies to optimise sleep and productivity

Team Indulge

All of us desire to learn the secret to being extremely productive, but in our search, we neglect the most important productivity tip: getting a good night's sleep. Never discount the importance of getting enough sleep. Your productivity, creativity, analytical abilities, and even the success of your business or job may all be influenced by how much sleep you get.

We are generally aware that eight hours of sleep per night is desirable, but it can be challenging to achieve this goal when daily commitments to friends, family, and work frequently consume more than 16 hours of the day. Maybe you think that getting four or five hours of sleep each night will be plenty for your needs. You could be accustomed to sleeping through the night, shifting time zones, and pulling the rare all-nighter. Even wearing your lack of sleep as a badge of honour is possible. But lack of sleep impairs decision-making, lack of restraint, and creativity.

Energy, not time, is the new currency for production. As a result, prioritising restful sleep will greatly improve both your general health and your business. Use these four simple ways to acquire a good night's rest and present yourself with executive presence:

First, put your thoughts to bed

Many professionals regularly experience anxiety when sleeping, their minds racing with several problems and an extensive to-do list. Apart from all techniques for a good night's sleep, detox your thoughts by reflecting on the three things you've achieved during the day, however small or big they are. Set intentions for the next day and give yourself a mantra like, "I deserve to rest now to fuel my day tomorrow."

Practice gratitude

How frequently do you give thanks for the blessings in your life? According to studies, it may be healthy to develop the habit of appreciating the good things in your life. You may have trouble falling asleep at night due to stress and susceptibility. Thus, practicing appreciation before going to bed can assist to alleviate this issue. Write down three words or things you are grateful for. This aids in preparing your mind for happy thoughts and storing pleasant memories before rest.

Recognise and respect your sleep requirements

Based on our circadian rhythms, each of us has a distinct chronotype. Some of us work best late at night, while others work best in the morning. Some of us are night owls. Put yourself in the best possible position to succeed by respecting your innate tendencies as they relate to your chronotype. Make a note of the times of day that you feel the most alert, and schedule your most difficult or challenging chores during those "on" times.

Also read: Listen To Your Body: Here’s why free radicals and oxidative stress is not good for your health

Create a ritual

Experts advise having a sleep ritual that includes activities like taking a bath or a shower, drinking herbal tea, lowering the lights, and reading a physical book while you wind down. Make sure you receive the required amount of sleep by creating a sleep regimen. The typical adult needs 7 to 8 hours of sleep per day, however, some individuals require less and others require more.