Mind and Body

Peanut power: Here are some benefits of peanuts you might not know

Deepika Rathod

Many of my clients reach out to me to find out what they can have as a quick snack. They want something which is not too heavy on the body but at the same time satiates a craving. And my answer to them is a handful of peanuts. It is one of finest snacks, is easily available and it doesn’t drastically affect your appetite so you don’t end up missing your next meal. Just keep in mind that it is important your peanuts are salt-free, plain and roasted. Commercial trail mixes have hydrogenated fats and salt preservatives which have a negative impact on body. People think that peanuts are bad for them if they have it daily but if we have just handful of peanuts a day, it will provide the body with proteins, antioxidants and good fats, which is good for the heart, skin, brain, hormonal health, antioxidants etc.

Peanuts contain biotin and we all know that this is fantastic for hair growth, so people who have hair fall or alopecia, can add handful of peanuts daily to improve Zinc and a B Vitamin deficiency.

This apart, peanuts are also rich in copper, folate, manganese and a few other minerals as well, which is required for growth and development. This is why pregnant mothers need to take it in moderation for a growing foetus. Peanuts are rich in resveratrol which is also found in red grapes, wine etc. It’s a compound that has properties that are anti inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-carcinogenic in nature, all of which is good for the immune system. 

Like any other nuts and seeds, peanuts have phytic acid in their outer covering, which is an antinutrient property that blocks absorption of nutrients like zinc and iron in your system. This is why it’s important to have peanuts either in a soaked or roasted form to enhance its digestion and absorption without any bloating issues.

​Also read: Diabetic Diet Plan: Five ways to manage your sugar levels naturally

Many people have noticed sugar or savoury food cravings particularly in the evening, around 4-6 pm. That’s because this is when the metabolism changes and sugars tend to dip, so we get a craving to eat something that will provide instant energ y and improved sugar levels. Instead of bingeing on junk food, try a handful of peanuts with roasted channa to balance protein or puffed rice, mixed vegetables and roasted peanut bhel.

It is important to remember when we say peanuts are good for you, that you don’t overdo it. Even if it is healthy, eating too much can make you put on weight. Peanuts can also cause allergies in a few people, so it’s better to avoid them in this case. Avoid salted nuts or salted peanuts because salt excites neurotransmitter’s in the brain making you eat more and excess salt is not good for your BP, heart or body, as it leads to water retention. So let’s be mindful and enjoy peanuts in moderation.