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Photo Credit: Pexels
Mind and Body

Here are the benefits of intermittent fasting

Deepika Rathod

Intermittent fasting has gained popularity as a quick-fix weight loss trend, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. Intermittent fasting (if) offers numerous health benefits by giving our digestive system a break, allowing it to rest and rejuvenate. During fasting periods, our body shifts focus from digesting food to healing and cleansing processes, promoting cellular repair and autophagy — the natural recycling of old or damaged cells. this helps improve overall health, boost metabolism and even aid in weight loss. By incorporat- ing if into our routine in a smart way, we support our body’s natural ability to heal and maintain a balance of pH, hormones, etc. However, there are many who blindly follow intermittent fasting without considering their body’s needs, leading to potential health risks and nutritional deficiencies.

Intermittent fasting is important for our health because it syncs with our body’s natural rhythms. Our bodies have internal clocks, known as circadian rhythms, which regulate various functions like sleep, digestion and metabolism. When we fast, it’s crucial to maintain a consistent schedule to avoid disrupting these rhythms.

Many people keep changing this fasting window on a daily basis as per their needs, which can confuse our bodies and disrupt our circadian rhythm. this disruption can lead to increased stress hormones like cor- tisol, which can tire out our adrenal glands and even cause thyroid issues in the long run. additionally, it can push our bodies into survival mode, leading to more fat storage and activate the fight-or-flight response.

The key to safe fasting lies in consistency and moderation. start with shorter fasts and gradually increase the duration. fasting once or twice a week on consecutive days is suf- ficient, depending on your body’s toxicity levels. avoid extremes, like prolonged fasting hours or frequent fasting, as they can harm your immune system and energy levels and also deplete the body of important nutrients.

During fasting, it’s crucial to stick to plain water and nothing else because other substances like coffee can disrupt the fasting process and any other drink will keep the gut engaged. When we consume coffee or any other substance, it can interfere with the body’s fasting state, making it less effective and possibly harmful. Additionally, breaking the fast with lemon water or an alkaline drink helps line the gut, preventing acidity followed by a nutritious meal is essential for promoting better digestion and overall health benefits. A nutritious meal after fasting helps replenish nutrients and kickstarts the digestive system, ensuring that our body receives the necessary fuel and nutrients it needs to function optimally.

Ultimately, fasting should be a mindful practice, not a trend to follow blindly. Listen to your body, prioritise your well-being over societal pressures and choose what works best for you. Remember, true health comes from balance, not extremes.