Sex & Health

Didn't get your period last month? Anxiety under lockdown might be delaying your menstrual cycle  

Sonali Shenoy

Stress and anxiety around the lockdown could reflect in your menstrual cycle. Holistic Psychologist & Women's Health Coach Reshma Raju who is based in Bengaluru, India tells us why.

"Stress can affect the part of the brain responsible for producing hormones. This can throw hormonal levels out of whack - and thereby lead to changes in the frequency and duration of the woman's menstrual period," Raju tells us. Furthermore, untreated stress can cause women to suffer from various mental health issues like insomnia, loss of appetite and anxiety.

Effects on menstrual health include:

1) Delayed periods

2) Longer cycles

3) Delayed ovulation

4) PMS gets worse

5) Stop periods

Reshma Raju, 
Holistic Psychologist & Women's Health Coach

But don't fret - that will only make your menstrual cycle or related discomfort worse. Raju shares eight effective tips on how to get your body healthy and your cycle back on track.

Tips to reduce stress and bring the cycle back to regularity:

1. FOCUS ON PLEASURE: Spa, self-pleasure (orgasms), simple showers at home, selfcare, relax

2. Stick to a consistent SLEEP routine.  

3. Get FRESH AIR, sunlight, keep the windows open. 

4. EXERCISE for the mind (meditation) and body

5. GRATITUDE journaling. Think of all that you are grateful for, and spend some time listing all the things you are grateful for every day.

6. FOCUS ON FOOD: Reduce intake of high inflammatory foods like processed foods, refined sugar and other junk.

7. HYDRATE: Drink two litres of half a gallon of water everyday.

8. SUPPLEMENTS to reduce stress: Micronutrients and other botanicals.