In a groundbreaking musical collaboration, singer-songwriter Saloni joins forces with acclaimed artiste Hartinder Dhami aka H-Dhami and producer Mazza On The Track to create the world’s first original song in Telugu, Punjabi and English.
Their latest release, Chal Soniya, blends the nostalgic vibe of classic garage music with modern cultural elements, setting the stage to become this summer’s definitive hit.
With previous hits like H-Dhami’s Sadke Java and Saloni’s Nee Gundellounna, their latest single emerges as a standout collaboration, uniting their unique artistic styles in an extraordinary multilingual effort.
Set against an infectious garage beat that promises to ignite dance floors worldwide, this song effortlessly transitions through all three languages, creating a relatable sound for India’s youth no matter where they are in the world.
Saloni commented on her work for the song saying,“Garage has always been iconic in the UK music scene, and it’s making a comeback. As soon as Mazza sent me the beat I knew I wanted to make a summer banger with this and collaborated with the household name H-Dhami to bring our own twist to it. Growing up in the UK I’ve heard a lot of Punjabi music and bringing this together with my mother-tongue Telugu along with English felt close to home. However, regardless of language, I hope listeners from all backgrounds enjoy this summer hit as much as we enjoyed creating it!”
Chal Soniya is streaming on all audio platforms.